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  • Do you feel compelled to keep thinking, worrying and ruminating about whatever is on your mind or going on in your life?
  • Have you ever felt like a victim of your circumstances (i.e.: your body size, your children’s behavior, your anxious thinking)?
  • Would you love to end all the drama and urgency and bring some peace to your experience?

I can totally relate because that was me. I spent 24/7 thinking about my body/weight, worrying about how I was doing as a parent (or more accurately how I was messing up my kids) and revisiting conversations in my head which made it difficult to fall asleep or move on.

  • I wanted to be present, but found it impossible with everything on my plate.
  • I craved feeling good and being happy, content with myself and my body, but I was constantly plagued with feeling distressingly insecure.
  • I tried to contol my thinking or positive think stuff, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t ever seem to stop it or get on top of it for long.

If you are like I was, you probably dream of peace of mind, but find it is elusive. You want to be present, but can’t understand why you’re in your head all day. You want to feel God’s love and hand guiding you, but constantly feel like “it’s not fair” or “it shouldn’t be this way.”

How does experiencing mental and emotional health sound? It’s possible. How does being present in your life, being able to handle whatever God sends your way sound? It’s possible.

You have the innate resilience you need to be guided through life no matter what the circumstances. Presence, peace of mind and trust no longer have to be elusive goals. If relief and freedom are what you are looking for, you are in the right place. It would be my greatest pleasure to share with you an understanding that will change your whole experience of life.

Ride the Wave
By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

Discover the secret to living
with peace of mind.

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