Our relationship to our thinking

Our relationship to our thinking

​What if we had a completely different relationship to our thinking? What do I mean by that?

How do you relate to your thinking?

Is it something you need to change, manage, get on top of?

Is it something you do? Is it who you are?

Is it a problem? Is it a pleasant place to go to escape?

Do you even realize you are thinking all day long?

Are some thoughts pleasant/calming/enjoyable? Are some thoughts awful/painful/unhelpful?

Do the types of thoughts that visit you mean anything about who you are as a person? Are they a statement on your character?

Are you a good person if you have insightful thoughts and a bad person if you have obsessive thoughts?

Are you a productive person if your thinking propels you to accomplish, but an incompetent person if your thinking paralyzes you?

We all have a ton of thinking about our thinking.

What if our thinking wasn’t a problem? What if it is something that we do, like breathing or walking, but it doesn’t define us as a person? What if we are not our thinking?

We would experience tremendous freedom if we didn’t make such a big deal about all the racy, busy content that seems to endlessly fill our minds.

Imagine taking all of the chitchat in our minds less seriously. If we did, we would be released of the intense grip in seems to have on us and we would experience a more peaceful life.

Hope is always available.

This newsletter (as well as my book) is geared to answer these questions and more.

For now, I invite you to get curious about your relationship to all of your thinking and what you might be making it mean about yourself. What would you gain if you had a different relationship to your thinking?

Until next time…

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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with peace of mind.

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