The Power of Belief
There is an interesting phenomenon that many people don’t realize. Our experience of Reality doesn’t come from Reality itself, rather it comes from our thinking/beliefs about Reality.
For instance, imagine someone gives me a cup of poison. If I don’t believe it’s poison, I’ll drink it. Reality is it will kill me, but my experience will come from the beliefs I have about the water which will guide whether or not I drink it. So too, if someone gives me a cup of pure water and I believe its poisonous, I won’t drink it. Reality is it is pure, but my experience of it is that is could kill me.
This fact is revolutionary and deeply impacts our lives.
We are a week before Rosh Hashana. There is a spiritual reality in the world that makes change and renewal more accessible. However, my experience of this time of year will come from the beliefs I have about it. If I believe change is possible, I will experience it. If I don’t believe it, I won’t.
There is reality, and I will only experience that reality via the thinking I have about it.
So if I don’t feel connected to the Divine; if I don’t feel like I have changed or grown this year; if I feel like a lost cause, the good news is that it’s not necessarily reality, just my experience in this moment.
The reality is that we are always connected; we are always changing; there is no such thing as a lost cause. But my thinking can trick me…until I wake up to it.
Rosh Hashana is a time of waking up. If we are open to letting the shofar’s cry wake us up, we will experience an awakening.
Kasiva v’chasima tova to all (may we all be written and sealed for a good year…a year where we experience the good)
Thank you to everyone who has allowed me to be part of their journey over this past year. Please forgive me if I have ever said or written anything that caused you pain. My intentions were always to bring you closer to G-d, yourself and a deeper understanding of how human beings work.