The Power of Hope

The Power of Hope

​I was deeply touched and reminded about the power of hope this week when I met with Chaya, a 24 yr. old, to talk about the nature of thought. Chaya was diagnosed with clinical depression for most of her life, on and off medication at different times. She had tried most types of therapy out there, but was barely functioning. For the last 7 months she hadn’t gotten out of bed and had been visited by suicidal thoughts.

Lucky for her, she has an aunt who has been exposed to the principles. While Chaya was in last week for a family wedding, her aunt shared some ideas with her. She watched my videos on line, started reading my book and came for one session. (This is not to toot my own horn, but to suggest the power of a little bit of exposure).

The aunt sent me an email this morning saying that the whole family wants to know what she did or said to Chaya because she is a different person.

HOPE is the answer.

She had a few insights that touched her enough to awaken hope within her. Hope that life is worth living. Hope that she is not sentenced to a life of depression. Hope that she could be “normal”. Hope that she is not her depressing thinking.

For me it was a reminder that our thoughts are not like the cement we may innocently believe them to be. They are like the snow storm that just fell. Although it may seem like the snow will be around forever, it will eventually melt.

We are the creator of our own experience via thought and as long as we realize that, we are never stuck in any one experience for any length of time.

We all have wisdom moving through us constantly, the ability to realize our own health and resilience, even if we haven’t seen it until now. It is there and will continue to be always. When we listen for our wisdom, hope naturally shows up because it’s who we are at our core.

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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