This Special is For You

I just had a conversation with a woman struggling with anxiety who has tried so many different therapies, medications and approaches that she wanted to know if this approach could really give her the relief she is looking for or is it possible that she is the exception and nothing can help her.

I felt her pain so deeply. After speaking briefly, I hoped that my assurance in her innate resilience and inner wisdom would be felt by her. You see, we all have the ability to experience more of our well-being more of the time, no exceptions. I want to share that assurance with everyone.

With that said, as a thank you to all of you who take the time to read my posts, I want to make some winter special offers as I hit my 100th blog post.  

 1.  A complimentary session (value $175) for anyone who puts together a group workshop of at least 10 people (For those outside the tri-state area, a group webinar)

2. An initial session for only $100

3.  For a limited time, $50 off each additional session (up to 5 sessions).

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Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

Discover the secret to living
with peace of mind.

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(973) 865-9062