Being Human

Being Human

Most of us probably feel like we just finished a marathon. I don’t think I won a first place medal, but I definitely get runner’s up for being human.

Being human this week for me meant moments of enjoying the holiday, my family, the beautiful weather in the sukkah, the food and a closeness with G-d, interspersed with moments of having enough of the holiday, my family, the change in weather, the food and trying to feel close to G-d.

I had moments of being present and moments of being lost in my head swirling around with my expectations of how I should feel and how everyone else should help.

I had moments of noticing I was creating my own experience via thought and moments of being lost.

Overall, if I let go of self-judgment and expectations, I had a great week of being human. Did you?

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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