Can I Handle Discomfort?
I took away something from my son this week that I hadn’t had the gumption to do sooner.
As I watched the “withdrawal” happening, I realized that I hadn’t done it sooner because I was afraid of his reaction (another word for the feelings he would express).
I feared his discomfort, disappointment and anger. Actually what I feared was my own feelings of discomfort around his feelings of discomfort. My choices were being directed/limited by my belief that I can’t handle his distress.
It got me wondering about all the other choices I make and actions I take. When my kids are fighting or my husband is stressed out, do I respond from wanting to help them or from wanting to relieve my own discomfort?
Well here is the beauty of what I realized that gave me the gumption now.
Feelings are always only coming from one place…Thought in the moment. My discomfort is coming from Thought flowing through me. It is not coming from my son or his discomfort.
And his discomfort is not coming from what I took away. It’s coming from Thought in the moment flowing through him. I don’t ever have to be afraid of Thought as it is of a divine quality, a flowing energy that gifts me with an experience of life.
When I saw that I don’t have to fear his feelings or fear my own feelings about his feelings, I was free to feel. Yes, I can handle discomfort and any other feeling/emotion for that matter. We all can because we are all designed in the same resilient way.