We each have the capacity to be like a Jack-in-the-Box…
I met with a friend for coffee the other day and I was enthusiastically sharing the opportunity we each have to be psychologically free.
How many of us have beliefs that limit us and we don’t even know it? Thoughts like “I can’t,” “Not me,” “it’s not my personality or nature,” or “I can’t afford it.”
We may view our child in a certain way based on past behaviors, our relationships may feel stale due to disappointments or expectations, our growth may seem stunted because we “know” we aren’t capable of change after making the same mistake so many times.
When we are able to see our views, our disappointments, our expectations, our self-judgments as thought in the moment, rather than the truth, we pop, so to speak, out of them.
I had this vision of a Jack-in-the-Box. Once we pop out of our self-created constricted boxes and see that we were only limited by a thought, not a reality, we are no longer boxed in.
All of the sudden there is room to see our child in a new light, to experience closeness in our relationships, to realize change is always possible.
The only thing that creates illusory boxes is thought in the moment. We are never locked into our boxes once we see this truth. We can all be like Jack and POP out of our box at any moment via insight.
Life from this vantage point brings psychological freedom and a new level of free will.
So let’s keep popping!