Finding Quiet in the Storm

Finding Quiet in the Storm

​This is my new favorite analogy. It describes how the place we are all searching for already exists within us.

Have you ever seen a movie (or use your imagination) where there is a storm at sea: threatening thunderstorms, gargantuan waves, winds over 100 mph…in other words– intense drama.

If someone aboard the boat would jump into the ocean, how deep would they have to go before they didn’t feel the effects of the storm on the surface? I’m no scientist, but at some point, 50 feet, 100 feet or maybe even 200 feet, they would find complete quiet, total calm.

A place that isn’t touched by the storm happening on the surface of the ocean.

So too, within every person is a place that is not affected by the storms of our conceptual mind.

Regardless of the content of our thinking, the habitual way we use our G-d-given gift of thought or the ideas we have about ourselves, life or others, we are something else. If we can look beyond the compelling nature of our thinking toward the true nature of a human being, we will touch an inner space that is complete love.

From this space arises the voice of our soul in the form of compassion, understanding, clarity, creativity, answers, direction, resilience, forgiveness.

We cannot find the answers we seek in the midst of the storm. There is a quiet beneath the storm.

We don’t have to do anything to create this quiet. It exists without our thinking our way into it. In fact we can’t think our way into it. We can’t get there through our intellect.

As our intellect settles down, a deep quiet reveals itself in the form of a feeling. A feeling of connection to the Divine source of life where all answers lie.

May we all merit to live from this space more of the time and allow G-d’s wisdom to flow through us.

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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