IHEART (Innate Health Education And Resilience Training)

Uncovering Resilience in the Next Generation

Aviva has joined the IHEART team as a certified facilitator, sharing The IHEART curriculum, an innovative educational project. It addresses the problems facing our young people at its source, creating a revolutionary shift in the mindset of our educators, parents and teachers.

Better “coping strategies” is not where it’s at. Our focus is on the realization that well-being and resilience is always available.

We explore the miraculous workings of the mind and share a simple yet profound understanding of its invisible power.

We focus on looking at how the mind works …. and how it doesn’t work.

We learn how our moment to moment experience of life, feeling state, mood and behavior are not created by the world around us. It is created only through the remarkable, invisible power of Thought.

Thought as the constant, creative and causational power behind our psychological system is a life-changing discovery. When we understand that this is the way our minds work, we are ok within ourselves – even when we think that we are not. When we suffer with uncomfortable feelings such as stress or feeling down, it is not because anything is wrong with us ….or the world. It is because we have lost sight of the fact that we live in a world of Thought.

We might think that other people, events, and other things cause our bad feeling. But this is not actually possible.

Feelings are brought to life by the power of Thought in the moment. This is the inseparable connection between Thought and feeling.

This simple but often overlooked fact has enormous implications: it realigns us with our common sense, creativity, and well-being. As we see for ourselves that our reality can only ever be created this one way, so many things in our everyday lives begin to make sense and fall into place. And we live life in touch with our natural resilience and innate well-being more and more of the time.

The IHEART curriculum consists of a series of structured, interactive lessons, creatively designed to be stimulating and appealing to young people (ages 11-18).

For more information on how to bring this curriculum to your school, youth group or your living room, contact Aviva. Partner together to positively impact our children.

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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with peace of mind.

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Want to bring this to your school?
Reach out to Aviva to explore this opportunity!

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