Insecurity… an illusion that feels so real
Insecurity feels so real. Upset feels so real. Rejection feels so real.
The common denominator is that none of these feelings can exist without thought flowing through the system.
The illusion is that we believe we know the source of our insecurity, upset, or feeling rejected. We think it stems from our childhood, our disorganized personality, our lack of education or training, our spouse saying no, our not getting our needs met, etc.
As long as we continue to attribute our feelings to something outside of ourselves, we will continue to live as victims of life.
However, if we are gifted to see beyond the illusion, toward the real source of our feelings–that we live in a thought-created experience–we will not be victims of our circumstances, but rather vessels or pipelines letting feelings flow through the system.
Our system is innately designed by the Creator of the universe to reset itself. There is no need to fear feeling insecure or rejected. It’s not the truth. Just a thought-created experience that will change as your thinking changes, which it naturally does if you let it.
Although I feel insecure at times, this does not make me insecure. Nothing can make me feel insecure except for an insecure thought. Nothing can make me feel upset except for an upsetting thought. Nothing can make me feel rejected except for a thought of rejection.
Get it? It’s quite simple and frees us up to be who we really are…spiritual beings in a human experience. We are psychologically healthy and secure when we are not innocently thinking up insecurity.