Jumping off the Cliff of my Understanding

Jumping off the Cliff of my Understanding

My husband offered me a great opportunity to lead a trip to Israel. I started noticing that I had all my reasons why I could or couldn’t do it, why it would or wouldn’t work.

I innocently got stuck by the illusory walls I held to be true. And then it hit me. “I’m not leaving room for the system to reboot.”

Does it ever seem like you know so clearly what you can and can’t do? What you need and don’t need? What you like and don’t like?

We have these limiting beliefs and then blame them on our past, our personality, the people in our lives. We know these walls so well that we never even bother to question them or revisit them.

For instance: I can’t be vulnerable. I can’t function on less than 8 hours of sleep. I can be friends with her, but I can’t be friends with her. I need to play it safe. I don’t like to step out of my comfort zone or take risks. I love taking risks. I need my space. I can’t handle intimacy. I need intimacy. I need to know how things are going to turn out. I don’t like being afraid. I need to worry to show I care.

Jumping off the cliff of my understanding this week meant: Leaving space for reflection. Giving the system room to reboot. Being willing to let go of what I “know” I can and can’t do. Being open to see something beyond my self-created walls.

There is another dimension beyond what I know, beyond what I think or believe about myself or others. This deeper Divine dimension is where the truth lies, where potential is limitless, where possibilities abound.

As I was sitting in this space, I saw clearly how I create my own limitations and I don’t have to bound by them. I decided to accept the position to lead the trip. If conflicting thoughts pass my mind from here on out, I am giving myself permission to feel them and let them pass.

G-d in His great wisdom gifts us with new ideas and fresh thoughts moment to moment. Am I willing to take the leap?

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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