Light in the Darkness

It can really look like life is throwing us curveballs sometimes: this family member gets sick, that one is in pain, a neighbor lost his job, a child didn’t get into the school of her choice.

A client said to me today, “but the reality is that….”

I was struck by how true that statement looked to her.

The truth is that Reality is 100% love, kindness, goodness, unity, light. The fact that we don’t experience this truth 100% of the time is proof that there is a missing link. That missing link is thought.

We experience our thinking about Reality. The only way we can create the experience of darkness is via the thought. The belief that life is throwing us curveballs is thought. Darkness comes from our limited perspective on things.

As a postcard I’ve quoted before said: “The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion. The tunnel is.”

Light is always present. Love is always present. We may not be experiencing it in the moment, but that doesn’t alter the Reality that it exists.  May G-d bless us during this Chanukah season to see through the perceived darkness and allow His light and love to envelop us.

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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