Peace of Mind Quiz

Self-Assessment: Does my thinking about my child and his/her struggles affect my well-being and Peace of Mind?

For each statement, assign the number that feels right to you, from 1 for “not at all true for me” to 5 “very true for me.”

  1. I feel compelled to keep thinking about my child and her issues.

  2. I ruminate about what happened to him constantly.

  3. I am unable to fall asleep at night because I’m busy thinking about my child.

  4. I blame my past for how my life looks today.

  5. I blame my child’s circumstances for how I feel and continue to replay in my mind how things could have/should have been different.

  6. I evaluate how I’m doing or showing up for my child or my life.

  7. I get distracted from life by worrying about my child.

  8. I am judgmental of myself, my child or others, but I don’t want to be.

  9. I take things personally on a constant basis, especially my child’s choices.

  10. I regularly feel disappointed or frustrated because things aren’t going my way.

  11. I always second guess my decisions regarding how to help my child.

  12. I care what others think of me and get embarrassed by my child’s struggle.

  13. I spend time thinking about the mistakes I made or how to keep myself from making them again.

  14. I worry even when worry isn’t necessary.

  15. I can think about my problems continuously throughout the day and believe I can’t stop.

  16. I wish I could stop my negative thinking.

Total your answers ______

If your answers total less than 35, you’re thinking probably isn’t affecting your life negatively.
If your answers range 35-60, you probably notice your thinking affects your peace of mind in parenting.
If your answers are over 60, your habits of thinking are impacting your parenting, relationships, overall happiness and peace of mind.

The good news is that I can help you!

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

Discover the secret to living
with peace of mind.

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