Recharging Your Battery

Recharging Your Battery​

As this holiday season came to an end, I felt like I was on empty. I had no interest in serving, cleaning, helping or giving, and I certainly had no tolerance for the ingratitude of some of the culprits around me.

So I decided to go on strike (as my husband called it when I refused to do any preparations or clearing for this entire past shabbos).

In all honesty, I thought that would recharge my battery (since flying off to a deserted island by myself for a few days wasn’t an option). But it actually didn’t.

As I reflected toward the end of shabbos why I didn’t feel any better, it occurred to me…if life is lived moment to moment, then is there even a battery that needs to be recharged? Or is Thought running through me giving me the experience of empty? Is feeling empty a problem? In any given moment, as Thought flows and shifts, so does my feeling of empty (or recharged for that matter).

The real truth is that G-d is recharging and recreating life moment to moment without me. I don’t need an island for a recharge. It’s happening within me all of the time. As I noticed that, it felt as if my perceived battery automatically charged itself.

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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