The Road to Success is Filled with Construction
As I was sitting in stand still traffic on the Cross Bronx with a car full of boys this past Friday (it took us 3 hrs to go 6 miles), the boys got punchy and started spewing out idiomatic expressions.
One of them was the road to success is filled with construction. I broke out in such a hearty laugh that my son was embarrassed (but that doesn’t take much).
There is always construction, whether it is on the road or in my mind. The construction is not a problem, though. My relationship to the construction is what will determine whether I experience life as successful or as a problem.
Sometimes the construction is tangible, such as the loss of a job, a break up or a rejection letter. Other times it’s in our minds, such as obsessively thinking about something, being bothered that it isn’t going my way or judging myself for perceived failures.
A long as I know that construction is just a part of the human experience, I don’t have to be thrown off by it. The definition of construction (and the road to success for that matter) are both subjective creations by our personal thought systems.
What one person may call success, another may consider construction and vice versa. It’s not the circumstances of our lives that create the feelings of success or blockades, rather it’s our thinking in the moment.
As our attachment to our definitions weakens, we are free to experience success or blocks in the road as passing feelings that don’t define us. As our expectations of how life is supposed to look or supposed to go vanish, we experience the road to success as a glorious journey and construction as part of the scenery.