I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no.
If he is responsible, then I would hope he would take his responsibility seriously and make me feel good most, if not, all of the time.
And if he is irresponsible with the task at hand, then am I a victim destined to misery?
In thinking about this I asked myself, do I want to be responsible for his well-being?
Well, sure, sometimes I think I would do a better job for him than he is doing for himself, but all joking aside, I really don’t want that job.
So why do I expect that he should have signed up for the job?
And therein lies my answer.
It’s my expectation that he is or should be responsible for how I feel that creates a momentary lack of well-being. I am actually doing it to myself and innocently believing that it is his fault.
He can’t make me feel anything. Only my thinking can do that. Why is it that sometimes I see it and sometimes I don’t? Oh ya, because I’m human.