Sara Rigler wrote about Rabbi Nivin’s method’s for discovering your mission. One question he recommended asking yourself is “If I inherited a billion dollars and had six hours a day of discretionary time, what would I do with the time and money?”
I reflected on that and came up with this: After taking my whole family to Israel, I would use it to create more seminars and talks, videos and writings that spread a message of hope to alleviate unnecessary pain and suffering. The message would let people know:
G-d loves you.
You are healthy right now. You are OK no matter what.
You are designed for insight. You don’t have to try so hard or analyze your every thought or feeling to find wisdom and peace of mind.
You are enough just by being you.
Your presence impacts the world right now.
There is a thought/feeling connection that is so deep, yet you don’t always see it. When you don’t see it, you get caught in the illusion that you are a victim of other people and circumstances. Your experience of life is coming through you not at you. You are not a victim.
You are doing the best you can given the thinking and awareness you have in this moment.
This moment is perfect, but for your judgment and expectation that is should be different.
May you be blessed to use your free will to see G-d in your life moment to moment. Wishing you a year of connection, insight, health, success, forgiveness and the clarity to shine your light in the world!
I’d love to hear what you would do with the time and money.
Reminder: Please join me on Monday, Sept. 17 at 12pm via zoom for a FREE teleconference to further discuss freeing ourselves from our habit of blame (aka: victim mentality). It’s a perfect time of year to seek insight into changing!