This is for You!

This is for You!

his newsletter is meant for you so with your permission I would like to change up the format. I would like to be answering your questions.

Questions about how I can be of service in explaining to you what it means that you are only ever feeling your thinking, as well as pointing you toward an insightful understanding that shifts your relationship to your thinking. This is what brings relief, peace of mind and a deep connection to the Divine.

If I had to boil down the struggle I used to have and find most of my clients are having now, it’s with excessive thinking, over thinking and ruminating about things.

We want to be in life, but we find ourselves being busy with thinking about life instead. We want to be engaged with our husbands, our children, our friends, our jobs, yet we spend more time thinking about how to do that, if we are doing that right, or why we aren’t doing that. We want to be happy, but we think about why we aren’t, evaluate how we are doing, live in expectations about how we should be doing, and then blame why we aren’t happy on our circumstances.

We have managed to become experts at what we do and find ourselves excessively thinking about anything: food, body image, marital problems, parenting, how we are doing, how overwhelmed we are, judging ourselves, worrying, stressing out (just to name a few).

My goal is to help you find freedom and peace of mind so you can live the life you are meant to live.

I invite any and all questions you may have and will use this newsletter over time to answer them either in the body of the newsletter or a short video if it takes more explanation. Email your questions to Ask Aviva.

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

Discover the secret to living
with peace of mind.

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