The WAZE always knows!

The WAZE always knows!

​I have this longstanding love/hate relationship with my GPS. There is something about putting my faith in its ability to guide me when I feel totally lost that I don’t fully trust.

So there I was, picking up my son in the middle of no where (it was somewhere, just no place I had ever been before) and needing to get back across the GW Bridge, but not wanting to be stuck in traffic for hours on the Cross Bronx.

He said I’ll check my WAZE. It brought us through the most random streets and when I missed the turn it recalculated without saying “recalculating.” I kept asking, “Is this the right way?”

He turned and looked at me and said, “MOM, THE WAZE ALWAYS KNOWS!”

There was such a certainty in his voice. He continued, “Why would you continue to think about it when the waze is directing you? Stop thinking and just follow it. It knows more than you do.”

It hit me like a ton of bricks. That was really profound. It knows the traffic patterns. It knows all the cars on the road with waze. Since they are all connected, the information is accurate and up to date, allowing the waze to guide me in the most direct way possible, even though sometimes I feel like it’s taking me on a circuitous route.

I don’t know who this waze guy (or computer app) is or how he knows so much, but it woke me up to the fact that if I could trust the waze to be accurate and let it guide me, then imagine if I trusted the infinite waze guy, G-d Himself, who is far more accurate than the waze app and guides me perfectly.

He knows the traffic in our minds, he knows all the people on the road because we each have waze (a soul). We are all connected and His wisdom is accurate, up to date and guides us in the most direct way possible (even if it appears to us like we are taking a circuitous route).

So the next time you are using your waze, reflect for a moment on the fact that, you too, have a direct connection with wisdom to guide you far greater than any app. Maybe my sons words will surface, “Stop thinking and just follow it. It knows more than you do.”

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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