The issue I have been raising over the past couple of weeks has been how to help our youth, how to inoculate them, prepare them and educate them on the truth of where their innate resilience lies and where their feelings, perceptions and experiences are coming from.
Imagine if you knew growing up as a teenager that you were ok no matter what, Our children (and ourselves) need to know that they are ok no matter what they think or feel (even insecurity, rejection, loneliness or angst). Underneath those thoughts and feelings they are perfectly healthy. Although it may not seem that way to them yet, it is the truth.
Their psychological life is designed to perfection no differently than their physiological/biological life, the vegetative life or animal life.
There is an intelligence behind life that designed the world to perfection: human beings breath in oxygen while plants exhale oxygen, birds migrate and know where they are going, our digestive system takes the nutrients and excretes the waste, as well as, a baby in utero lives in water and at the moment of birth, the entire breathing apparatus shifts to handle air. So too, our children’s minds are designed to perfection.
They are perfectly designed to experience life in the same way. No matter how they use their G-d given gift of Thought, they are all always bringing their experience of life to life from within their own mind. Life is coming through them, not at them. This is what makes children resilient by nature. They are not victims of their circumstances, parents, teachers, friends, talents, lack of talents, grades, their past or even their obsessive thinking.
Our youth has what it takes to handle life and all of the feelings that entails, even with the school pressures, social media, peer pressure and making difficult choices. Believe in them, educate them and let them know it!
Once again…
Loved the article AND your video!