Making a Difference

We all like to be impacted, inspired and touched, but how often do we take responsibility to share what we’ve learned in order to impact, inspire and touch others? I know I don’t often enough. I’ve been playing small and realized today why.

You see there is this pervasive worldview of “I’m ok, you’re ok” which I know is meant to promote tolerance. You do your thing, I’ll do my thing. I don’t want to step on any toes or make anyone uncomfortable or possibly break their reality.  I’m not judging the worldview. I’m just realizing that it’s been my excuse to stay safe from possible rejection or judgment.

The irony is that in wanting to share with people the understanding that life, feelings and experience are coming from within them, not at them, I have fallen into a misunderstanding in real time myself. It’s not a problem, it just explains why I get swamped with thoughts of caring what people will think of me, deciding they aren’t going to be interested or it’s too hard to explain anyway.

I’ve been living in a misunderstanding that other people’s reactions, interest and responses to what I want to share have the power to create the feeling of rejection or judgment inside of me. That misunderstanding perpetuates a fear of putting myself out there and taking risks.

In moments of understanding I see how ridiculous that looks, and I get inspired to shout this from the rooftops. I’m in one of those moments now.

I just finished an IHEART training last week to be a certified facilitator (Innate Health Education and Resilience Training). Terry Rubenstein and her team have put together a powerful, impactful, experiential and concise 10 session curriculum to teach youth’s where their feelings are coming from. How it works and how it doesn’t work. Via videos, animations, hands on exercises and discussions, teens walk away with a working knowledge of how their minds work, where their experience comes from and the truth about their innate resilience. 

I am blown away at the potential impact this will have on our children (as well as parents and teachers) who struggle with stress, anxiety, compulsive habits, depression, insecurity, bullying, social media, etc.

I’m inviting you to help me step up my game of impacting the world. If you have any ideas (think out of the box) of how to put together groups of teens ages 11-18 (or parents and teens), whether in a school system, youth group or a group in your own home, please contact me so we can share this curriculum and start positively awakening the resilience that lies within them.

Knowing you are ok no matter what, no matter what you are thinking, feeling, doing, can be a life saver. Let’s share it together.

One thought on “Making a Difference”

  1. Leeba Chaya Levin says:

    I absolutely love this! I feel exactly the same way. Thanks so much for putting in words how I feel.

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