
We can make meaning out of anything…

We can make meaning out of anything... I had this belief--"it's enough that I have to do everyone's laundry, but do I also have to turn all of the socks and undershirts inside out or right side in, whatever you would call that annoying thing you have to do to clothes after someone gets undressed the "wrong" way?" It drove...[ read more ]

The optimum speed of our mind

The optimum speed of our mind Have you ever driven a car faster than the optimal speed it was designed for? When we push the car beyond its limit, the car starts to shake. This is a good sign that a person should slow down. You don't have to slam on the break in order to slow down. Just taking...[ read more ]

Our relationship to our thinking

Our relationship to our thinking ​What if we had a completely different relationship to our thinking? What do I mean by that? How do you relate to your thinking? Is it something you need to change, manage, get on top of? Is it something you do? Is it who you are? Is it a problem? Is it a pleasant place...[ read more ]

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

Discover the secret to living
with peace of mind.

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