
It’s Painfully Cold… Or is it?

I had the most interesting experience the other day. Since this cold weather has been around, I have been painfully cold. As I drive my numerous carpools throughout the day and night, I fret about being so cold until the car warms up (sometimes I get all the way there and back before it even warms up). Then on shabbos...[ read more ]

Do you like me?

In a generation where it's all about how many likes you get, how do you raise your teens (or yourself) not to depend on Facebook or social media for their self worth? By knowing the truth: that your self-worth couldn't possibly come from your friends (real or virtual). Because self worth is a feeling, an experience of who I am...[ read more ]

Weight Gain Post Chanukah

Let's play a crazy fantasy game for a moment. Imagine what it would be like if after a holiday you got to bask in the joy of the holiday rather than drown in the guilt of what you ate, bother by your clothes being too tight or frustration of the number on the scale. It almost seems impossible to imagine...[ read more ]

Light in the Darkness

It can really look like life is throwing us curveballs sometimes: this family member gets sick, that one is in pain, a neighbor lost his job, a child didn't get into the school of her choice. A client said to me today, "but the reality is that...." I was struck by how true that statement looked to her. The truth...[ read more ]


There are so many angles to write about teenagers: the parenting angle, the shalom bayis angle, the body image angle. I want to write about the human angle: the similarities we have to teenagers and the humanity that we both share. I am working with a 16 yr. old girl, and I am constantly amazed that her struggles are no...[ read more ]

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

I used to believe that out of sight, out of mind was a great denial tool that happened to bring relief. Sure, life's too hard: my kid isn't doing well, a relative is ill, the past is painful, I can't fit into my clothes, so if I look the other way, it can't hurt me. I have two questions on...[ read more ]

Feeling Better

Most people believe the answer to feeling better is controlling or changing their thinking because if you have positive thoughs you'll feel positive. However, the real lasting answer to feeling better is in shifting your relationship to the way you feel. Meaning learning to be OK with feeling discomfort. Deep down we believe that feeling anxious about events, insecure in...[ read more ]

The Diet Mentality

Do you or anyone you know find yourself saying "after all this holiday eating, now I'm starting my diet"? It's because you are in pain. Is the pain coming from the number of pounds you put on over Succos? I know it looks that way. However, neither your body size, the number on the scale nor your reflection in the mirror...[ read more ]

Fixing Ourselves

Fixing Ourselves Imagine a guy who has a car is full of dents and scratches due to his being a poor driver. He goes to a body shop and asks the owner to fix the car. The owner tells him honestly that it would be a waste of his money unless he figures out how to become a better driver....[ read more ]

Elul: Realign Ourselves with the Truth

Elul: Realign Ourselves with the Truth Do you ever experience a disconnect between knowing that G-d runs the world and everything He does is for our good and actually feeling that truth? I know I do. Then I wake up to the fact that the ability to feel or not feel that truth is always going to be a result...[ read more ]

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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