
Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Beyond Your Comfort Zone In Israel this past week I heard someone say, "Life begins beyond your comfort zone." It spoke to me because I felt like I was stretching all week beyond my comfort zone, choosing life and expanding beyond my perceived boundaries. Reflecting on the idea of a "comfort zone," it occurred to me that maybe I make...[ read more ]

The Healing Power of Trust

The Healing Power of Trust ​I heard a parenting talk about the importance of trusting our children by a Rav who counsels struggling parents and teens. The main take away for me was that no matter what your child is doing or not doing, he should know that you trust him. But how is that possible if our children are...[ read more ]

Keeping Anxiety at Bay

Keeping Anxiety at Bay ​I was talking to someone the other day who is struggling and she said, "I'm just trying to keep my anxiety at bay." I had this vision of someone trying to keep a ferocious animal from attacking her child. How incredibly difficult and exhausting it would be to feel like you are fighting a losing battle,...[ read more ]

Does Mental Health = Being Thin?

Does Mental Health = Being Thin? ​Many of my clients are struggling with their weight and issues around body/food. I have been noticing a trend, albeit a false one. If someone learns about the principles of innate health and therefore, begins to experience their mental well-being more of the time, the logical conclusion is that they will eventually become thin....[ read more ]

What’s Behind Worrying?

What's Behind Worrying? I have been visited by a lot of worrisome thinking lately. I am leading a trip to Israel soon, and I find myself continuously worrying about being exhausted, ineffective and unable to enjoy myself. This week I found myself worrying about whether the family ski trip was going to work out and what will we do if...[ read more ]

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

The Light at the End of the Tunnel A client gave me a postcard which is appropo for this time of year: The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion. The tunnel is. All of the darkness that we feel trampled by, stifled by, pained by is the tunnel. All of our self-limiting beliefs, "I can't"...[ read more ]

Finding Solutions to Problems

Finding Solutions to Problems ​I have a problem. I think about a solution. It eludes me. So I think harder about a solution. The problem becomes bigger, the solution seems farther away, and I become exhausted. I don't know about you, but I find that the harder I think, the more my mind spins to find something. I inevitably grasp...[ read more ]

Definition of Suffering

Definition of Suffering I googled the definition of suffering and got this: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. I want to offer another definition. Suffering is believing that I should be somewhere I'm not. How many of us go about our day thinking things like: It shouldn't be this way. I'm not supposed to be in pain. My...[ read more ]

Permission to Change

Permission to Change ​I had a title dilemma. Permission to move on? Permission to let go? Permission to be? Permission to feel? I chose Permission to Change because I think it encompasses all of the above. While walking with a good friend, she told me how hard it has been since the passing of her mother. She spent many months...[ read more ]

Being Flexible

Being Flexible ​I used to think that someone either has a flexible personality or not (and I was one of the not's). As plans were changed on me or things didn't go my way, it didn't feel like I was able to bounce back so easily. Then I started becoming curious. What is a flexible personality anyway? Are there times...[ read more ]

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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