
Speaking a Foreign Language

Speaking a Foreign Language ​I gave a talk the other day in a pizza shop and was trying to describe how our experience is coming from within us, from our thinking in the moment, not from a circumstance outside. I said imagine I'm sitting here eating my pizza and at the next table is a heated discussion about how horrible...[ read more ]

Growing from Mistakes

Growing From Mistakes People have a lot of thinking about making mistakes...myself included. If we are gifted to notice that our thinking has something to do with our reactions, we are more likely to make room for growth rather than guilt. A relative was involved in a major drama this weekend and there were many mistakes made along the way...[ read more ]

Insecurity… an illusion that feels so real

Insecurity... an illusion that feels so real ​Insecurity feels so real. Upset feels so real. Rejection feels so real. The common denominator is that none of these feelings can exist without thought flowing through the system. The illusion is that we believe we know the source of our insecurity, upset, or feeling rejected. We think it stems from our childhood,...[ read more ]

Being Human

Being Human Most of us probably feel like we just finished a marathon. I don't think I won a first place medal, but I definitely get runner's up for being human. Being human this week for me meant moments of enjoying the holiday, my family, the beautiful weather in the sukkah, the food and a closeness with G-d, interspersed with...[ read more ]

The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief ​There is an interesting phenomenon that many people don't realize. Our experience of Reality doesn't come from Reality itself, rather it comes from our thinking/beliefs about Reality. For instance, imagine someone gives me a cup of poison. If I don't believe it's poison, I'll drink it. Reality is it will kill me, but my experience will...[ read more ]

Getting Back on Track

Getting Back on Track "So are you back on track?" my cousin asked me today. Between summer vacation, getting kids adjusted to school, traveling for work and a family bar mitzvah, I feel like routine has been elusive. As I answered "we are getting there," I was struck with the following thought. The only reason I feel a need to...[ read more ]

Jumping off the Cliff of my Understanding

Jumping off the Cliff of my Understanding My husband offered me a great opportunity to lead a trip to Israel. I started noticing that I had all my reasons why I could or couldn't do it, why it would or wouldn't work. I innocently got stuck by the illusory walls I held to be true. And then it hit me....[ read more ]

Drama Queen

Drama Queen ​Scenario: Your fasting on a very hot Sunday morning and all of the sudden your son says, "Mom, I smell something burning." You go to investigate, letting your nose lead you around and you discover your furnace has a small fire. You call 911, the fire trucks come and shut your gas and electricity off. Now you have...[ read more ]

Why is Self Love Important?

Why is Self Love Important? ​I received this request from someone who wanted me to write an article for his website. "Can you talk about self-love as if this is the only message they will ever hear from you and this is your chance to wake up a suffering person to be more loving to himself." This is what I...[ read more ]

Driving Through Life

Driving Through Life ​I took my 16 yr. old son driving for the first time yesterday. At first it seemed the responsible thing to do was to focus his attention on all of the things that could go wrong: the potential accidents, the limited peripheral vision you have when pulling out of a parking spot, the desire to answer your...[ read more ]

Ride The Wave

By Aviva Barnett, MSW

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